Kaydence Mae Gillis: Birth Story

As my precious baby girl just turned two months (how can this be?), I wanted to share Kaydence’s birth story —  the most incredible day of my life. There is just something magical and indescribable about giving birth, so here is my story….

Rewind back to my first trimester, my OB/midwife, had declared May 1, 2014 my due date. All doctors visits went smoothly throughout my first and second trimester, and we were right on track to meet our baby girl in May.

Now, fast forward to the latter part of my third trimester, as I approached the 35 week mark, Kaydence was nearing two weeks behind on her stages of development. At this point in time, my midwife reiterated all was well, but K was measuring a little small; however, that was expected considering I am on the petite side (though I had gained about 32 pounds already). She recommended increasing my protein intake and stopping any physical activity. So we proceeded with the routine checkup, and a another visit was scheduled for two weeks later.

As we left my OB visit, Kyle and I were a bit taken back, not knowing exactly what was going on or why this was happening. So of course, I desperately started searching the internet for information on “low birth weight”. The only thing keeping me together was knowing the precious Lord was with me and my midwife’s reassurance that Kaydence was healthy.

After a long two weeks, I could hardly way for my checkup. The anticipation of my baby’s progress was taking over my mind. I overloaded on protein the weeks leading up to my appointment and felt confident in my progress.

So, here comes the big weigh in! As you mamas know, the “normal” weight gain towards the latter part of your pregnancy is a pound per week. Lo and behold, I had gained two and a half pounds, in a two week span. Praise Jesus – what a great sign.

Next, I was off to the sonogram room to check up on Kaydence’s development progress. Kyle and I got spoiled with sonograms and getting to see our duaghter during this nerve wrecking time. We would often joke, sonograms were the silver linening in this whole process.

Again, Kaydence looked healthy and well, according to my midwife. Though, I had gained two and a half pounds, Kaydence was still borderline low birth wight, but we had not fallen behind any further, which was exactly what I needed to hear to rest my soul. As we were getting ready to schedule another appointment for the following week, my OB informed us she was going on vacation, as she mention to me at my very first visit, and her partner, Dr. Emily Bullock, would be seeing me next time.

This next visit, I was approaching 38 weeks. We went through the same routine process; I had gained a pound at this weigh in, which was normal. Off to the sonogram room went! We heard K’s heart be and go to see her practicing breathing on her own. Also, the sonographer would  take measurements of Kaydence and my fluid in order to determind what our next steps would be.

Dr. Bullock came into our room, with a nurse, which was not ypical. I immediately had a feeling something did not seem right, and instantly tears started rolling down my face. She informed us my midwife had spoken to her about our situation, and she was concerned about Kaydence’s progress.

I immediately went into panic mode. I asked her why my baby was not gaining weight? What is wrong? Is it me? Why does she keep falling behind? What were her concerns? Is my baby okay? I think I must have asked about 100 questions before she could even get one word out. As a mama, I completely felt helpless! Dr. Bullock, with ease, said she could not tell me exactly why Kaydence was not gaining weight, consistently, but she recommend inducing me as soon as possible.

The doctor said Kaydence was past full term, and if she is not gaining adequate weight inside of me, it would be best to have her arrive early in order to get her the proper nutrition. Another appointment was scheduled four days later for one last checkin and determine what our plan would be.

Again, I patiently waited for the next appointment. Four days felt like an eternity. Our OB was still out of town, so Dr. Bullock was going to make the executive decision as to when Kyle and I were finally going to meet our little girl… Sure enough, we got news I was being induced, and we were going meet our baby girl on April 24, 2014… We were ecstatic!

It was finally Wednesday, the day before our scheduled induction and my heart was beyond ready to meet my little girl. After a long, sleepless night (because who can sleep when you know you’re going to have your baby within hours), we were on our way to the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a mess that morning… Just the thought of being in a hospital made my stomach turn, considering this was actually going to be my first time in a hospital, ever. I was filled with so many mixed thoughts and emotions… I was scared and excited all at the same time, yet I felt God with me, which gave me pure peace.

We checked into the hospital about 7 am. Of course, as soon as I stepped into the hospital tears were bursting out of my eyes. I just couldn’t help myself. All of the long months leading up to this day had suddenly passed, in a blink of an eye, and the anticipation of giving birth and meeting our little girl was setting in…

We met our nurse (who was exceptional throughout the entire process), and she led us right into our delivery room. As she was setting everything up and getting the paperwork ready, another nurse tried to start my IV. After six painful pokes (three on each arm), a third nurse finally was able to get the IV going. I am going to be completely honest and say, the IV was the most painful part of my entire birth experience. I quietly prayed hoping this pain was not going to set the tone for the day. After I was all set up, my OB stopped by that morning to see how I was doing, broke my water, and let the labor process begin…

Slowly, but surely, I started to get contractions throughout the morning. About noon, I was four centimeters dilated and finally decided it was time for an epidural. For the next four hours, everything was bliss and going smoothly.

At about 4 00 pm, my midwife came back to the hospital to check on my progress. Surprisingly, I was completely dilated and ready to start pushing. I had the most amazing mid-wife, seriously. She was with me the entire birth, from start to finish. I pushed for about 30/45 minutes, and then, our little angel arrived. All I could hear was how much hair K had (haha)!

Kaydence Mae Gillis arrived on April 24, 2014 at 4 55pm, weighing in at 5 pounds 11 ounces, and measuring 17.5 inches long.

I got to hold her immediately, and we had the most perfect bonding time for two hours. Truly, it was the most amazing/incredible feeling in the entire world. I have never felt so much love, joy, and happiness in my entire life. All was perfect. Glory be to God!

We are so thankful for all the kind messages, well wishes, and support from our loved ones. We absolutely love you all so much….

Kyle — I am so thankful/blessed you were by my side every step of the way, from attending every single appointment, to eating all of my favorite food cravings, to being the most supportive, loving man. Words can not express how much it means. I’ll just simply say, I love you.

Kaydence Mae, being your mama is my greatest joy. You light up my life in so many wonderful ways. I am so thankful God has entrusted me with your heart.



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